In 2015 Pump Solutions Australasia (PSA) were approached to provide a solution for CBH to transfer their sample pots of grain from the Satellite laboratory back into the transfer trucks. PSA were told the System CBH had in place was manually emptying the bucket on a rickety step ladder. They then tried to improve this with a similar system to what we proposed, but just couldn’t get the system correct. They were frustrated as it would take about 5 to 7 minutes to transfer the grain.
PSA’s Objective was to return the grain from satellite laboratory to the trucks within a 2 minute period.
PSA team started work on a Venturi design with a hopper feeding it. The Team “powered” our newly designed venturi with a German engineered Becker Side Channel blower (Model SV400/1). After a long R&D process designing and fabricating the venturi, and after testing several prototypes we landed on a winner. The winner did the job in 90 seconds!
Further brainstorming allowed us to improve on this complete setup with a modification to the venturi and hopper forcing them to work in unison.
The result – on what felt like trial run number 200, The Design Team finally felt a sense of achievement. The product was transferred in an amazing 13 seconds!
PSA rolled out first 16 units in 2015, and have been supplying these ever since.